” GGI has always prioritized our role enhancing stability and advancing economic development in Myanmar while concurrently respecting the Ten principles of the Global Compact “
GGI Chairman
To deliver our promises, we have to work closely with our stakeholders. The premium paid by our customers are generating our incomes: GGI will then protect them when we are dealing with their claims.
We rely on a network of business partners (garages, hospitals, …) to make sure that our customers will be able to get easily the assistance they may need. Our employees are also critical: we need to recruit and develop the right skills. We also have to make sure that we are operating with high performing assets, tools and technology to deliver the best services to our customer. Finally, we are paying our tax and sharing the results of GGI efficiency with our shareholders.
To better visualize how we are sharing the value generated by our operations, this chart indicates, for each of our stakeholders, what is the share of the financial flow between us and our major stakeholers. To facilitate the comparison, we took the revenues generated in 2016/17 as a baseline: for the main cash flows between GGI and its stakeholders, we indicated its share compared to GGI revenues.
GGI decided to join the UNGC in November 2016, and is releasing each year its COP report which is accessible here.
Our people’s skills are fueling our business. GGI HR team is responsible for managing and implementing the policies approved by the Board.
We recruited 130 persons to expand our team, and sustain our operations’ development. During the FY17/18, 100% of our people were trained at least once. GGI is striving to provide its employees with safe working conditions.
Last year:
- 1 accident occurred, which was not fatal.
- Our frequency rate was 1.2 per million of hours worked, and our fatality rate 0.
- Our absenteeism rate was 4%.
- Our turnover rate reached 11%.
- We provided 2,576 training hours to our employees, and each of them received on average 5.3 hours of training last year.
- We promoted 109 people.

our top managers

Among the people who have
been promoted in 2017

As we are expanding our operations, and our network of branches, we are consuming more energy, and water. We consumed 2.8 GWh for FY17/18 of energy, of which 64% were related to our electricity consumption from the grid. Thanks to our different initiatives, we saved 11.3 MWh. Our GHG emissions represent 905,471 kg eq. CO2.
We consumed 30,356 m3 of water.
We are doing our best to serve our clients and, last year, 84% of them were satisfied with our services. As Insurance products are not well known nor understood in Myanmar, we organized 10 events to raise awareness about our solutions’ benefits.
In 2017, we adopted our Code of Conduct. Last year, we organized 10 trainings sessions to ensure that our people understood our Code of Conduct. No potential breach was reported.
GGI is paying its fair share of tax. For FY 17/18, GGI paid over 830 million of MMK, of which 86% for the commercial tax.
Our philanthropic activities are described in our latest annual report. We donated 55,923,577 MMK for charity.